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Corona virus: Google will monitor people's movements to understand the spread of global outbreaks

 During the global outbreak of the Corona virus, Google will monitor the movement of people in public so they know how the Corona virus outbreak spreads.
For Urdu Version:-

 The technology company will publish similar data for people from 130 countries, including the movement of people to different locations and locations in a rural area of ​​the UK.

 The purpose of this project is to continuously monitor people's activity for the last two to three days and regularly release their data to better understand people's movements.

 The company, however, has promised that consumer privacy will be taken care of.  These statistics are based on location data collected by the Google Maps app or a firm's other mobile services.

 Google generally uses such data when there is more rush to certain museums, shops and other locations, as well as providing alternative routes for traffic jams to help drivers avoid traffic.

 In this case, however, Google will break this data and review how many people's movements to the following locations were earlier than earlier this year when lockdowns were not implemented.

  •  Shopping and leisure spots

  •  Deal Salaf and Medical Stores

  •  Parks, beaches and plazas

  •  On buses, trains and subway stations

  •  In office buildings and other workplaces

  •  In residential areas

 Google says it hopes health leaders and other officials will be able to use it to help curb Corona's outbreak.

 Google says "This information can help authorities understand the changes in public tours that can inform business delivery changes or delivery service offerings."

 "It can also help people identify more buses and trains to maintain social distance in the event of frequent visits to bus stations, train stations or other transport destinations."

 The company says it has anonymized its data records and added it to randomly generated data in order to maintain the privacy of many individual users.  However, consumers themselves may decide not to supply that data.

 BBC data correspondent Rory Ceylon Jones commented, "These statistics can be astonishing for those who are unaware of how much information Google collects."

 "It will also provide interesting information on how Lockdown is being implemented, or how it has been implemented in the last 48 hours," he said.

 "And some of the unintended consequences may come.  People can decide not to go to busy places or they may wonder how many people are going out and deciding to join them. '

 The first report, released March 29 by Google in this regard, reviewed the activity data from January 3 through February 6.

 These figures show that the overall number of public visits to the UK remains as follows:

  •  Shopping and leisure spots declined by 85%.

  •  Visits to bargain shops and medical stores declined 46 percent.

  •  52% reduction in parks.

  •  75% reduction on bus and train bases.

  •  55% reduction in offices.

  •  While residential areas saw a fifteen percent increase.

  •  In contrast, according to the data of the survey conducted in France

  •  Shopping and leisure spots declined 88%.

  •  Deals were down 72% at self-owned stores and medical stores.

  •  Parks dropped 82 percent

  •  Buses and trains were down 87 percent

  •  56% reduction in offices

 However, there was an increase of 18% in residential areas.

 Google presented its report at a time when Vera Jurova, head of the European Union's Institute of Justice, called on technology companies to share more data with scientists trying to tackle the virus.  Was.

 He also criticized these technology companies for not taking action against the spread of false and misinformation.

 He said, "We are still seeing big tech companies still making money through corrupt virus-based information and harmful online advertising and taking no action against them.  Stay. '

 He added that 'the chain should end and the click-through to make money and the misinformation and exploitation fraud should end now.'

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