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Fear of Corona, the unique ceremony of distribution certificates in Japan

 Robots received degrees instead of students at the Japanese Technology University event

For Urdu Translation:-

In the wake of the Corona virus, where a large majority of the world's population is locked up in homes, a Japanese university has been distributing graduate degrees in a unique way to undergraduate students.  The University of Tokyo's Business PracticeThrough Technology hosted a virtual graduation ceremony in which their representative robots, rather than students, received degrees from the guest special.

 The administration of the Business Deck Throw Technology University barred students from coming to the university to receive degrees, reluctant students to obtain degrees, solved it and sent their representative Robots to University and Received degrees.

 The graduation ceremony was held at a hotel in Chuda, Japan, with the Vice-Chancellor of the University and a select few of Antwerchulzia.

 According to Japanese media, a robot named after each student was made. The robots attended the graduation ceremony and received degrees from the Vice-Chancellor of the university.  The Corona virus has swallowed 85 human lives in Japan so far, and more than 3,000 people have been affected by the outbreak.  Despite measures to control the virus, the number of certified victims is steadily increasing, with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe announcing the move on Sunday. These measures will not be implemented immediately and will be applicable to the entire country.  Not just for big cities like Tokyo and Osaka.

 It may be recalled that in China, where the first Corona virus was diagnosed in the world, the death toll has risen to 3,331 after two more deaths, and the number of victims has risen to 81,708 after 39 new cases were reported.  It is thought that Corona virus has infected more than 12 lakh 75 thousand people worldwide, of which 69,501 people have been killed and more than 655 people have been infected.

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